Ms. LI Chun Hung 李春紅女士
Ms LI Chun Hung (李春紅女士)
Cert. Course for Putonghua Trainers

Senior Lecturer
Department of Chinese
Coordinator, Putonghua Education and Assessment Centre,
Tin Ka Ping Institute for Chinese Language and Culture


電話 : (852) 3963 5402
電郵 :

Ms Li has been teaching Putonghua for a number of educational institutions since 1994. As a lecturer of Putonghua for public servants, she is currently providing training programmes for Administrative officers (AO), executive officers (EO), the Hong Kong Police Force, the Correctional Services Department, the Immigration Department and the Food and Health Bureau. Ms. Lee is an experienced examiner for the National Putonghua Proficiency Test. She is particularly experienced in teaching Putonghua to Cantonese speakers, and has designed Putonghua teaching materials for the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, the Standard Charted Bank, the Hang Seng School of Commerce and the Hang Seng Management College.

Books and Monographs
  • 《人力資源專業普通話中級課程》香港人力資源管理學會
  • 《商貿金融初級話》渣打銀行
Professional and Community Services
  • 普通話水平測試國家級測試員
  • 香港考評局教師語文(普通話)能力評核考評員
  • 香港考試及評核局香港中、小學生普通話水平研究計劃口試主考員

  • 李春紅等編(2022)。《普通話常用口語詞》。香港︰三聯書店(香港)有限公司。