MPhil (CUHK)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Chinese
電話 : (852) 39635111
電郵 : wklam@hsu.edu.hk
Dr Lam begins his study of Chinese language and literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. After graduated, he was enrolled into the postgraduate program in the same university and began the research on Chinese culture and philosophy. His main research interest is Chinese thought and canonical texts, especially Confucian and other pre-Qin texts, while he loves to discuss Chinese culture and its modern interpretation, contemporary neo-Confucianism, and other social and cultural issues. Therefore, he chose the Chinese philosopher Mencius as the topic for his Master's Thesis. Courses he has taught include Chinese language, culture, and literature. During his postgraduate years, he took courses from different departments and discovered his interest in a quite different field. Due to this intense interest, he finally decided to further his education in the faculty of social science, and earned his Mssc from the CUHK after completing his Master's Degree in Chinese. He had been a part time lecturer at the Open University of Hong Kong and the School of Continuing Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS) before he served as a lecturer at HSMC. As a teacher, he bears the following words of Confucius in mind as his motto: “Quietly to store up my knowledge in my mind, to learn without flagging, to teach without growing weary. For me there is nothing to these things." |